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Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel Page 4
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“Keep your eyes closed,” I remind her, removing my hand from her breast and bringing it down to her hip.
When her chest reaches the stone wall, I push her all the way down until her breasts mash against the cool concrete and her ass is tipped upward at me.
My fingers are in deep and my thumb is working her hard. All that’s left to do is line up and push my way in. But I wait… wait until I see her trembling become a little fiercer and she sucks in a large gulp of air. Her body tenses hard, and I know her orgasm is starting.
That’s when I quickly remove my fingers, bracing my hands on her hips, and slam forward. She takes me all the way in and fuck… I can feel her spasming all around me as she comes with an almost pained cry.
Not going to last long at all, so I start hitting it hard. I wanted to go slow out here, relish the scenery, listen to the sounds of the city. But I can’t. I’m chasing another orgasm… seeking one greater than the last, because I know this woman is the one that can give it to me. I just know it will be better than before.
My blood pulses hard within my veins, sweat breaks out on my forehead, and all the muscles in my lower back tense. Pressure bubbles and roils deep in my groin, and I slam into her harder and harder. I listen to her carefully though, as I don’t want to hurt her. She moans sweetly and once she says, “God yes.”
God? No.
Matt Fucking Connover? Yes.
I thrust in one more time, my ass cheeks squeezing so hard I’m afraid I might get a Charlie horse, and then I unload inside of her as I shout out to the New York skyline, “Fuck yes!”
I take the last swig of beer and drop the bottle on the floor beside my recliner. It clanks against the other one laying there on the carpet. I’ve been in this damn chair all day, having crashed here when I came home this morning at dawn.
I have never fucked so hard and for so long in my life, but it’s like we could not get enough of each other. I was like the fucking Energizer Bunny and just couldn’t stop. Even the last time… before we left… I was bound and determined to go down on her and ring one more orgasm out of that sweet body. She tried to push me off, told me she couldn’t, and I growled back at her that she could.
Then I showed her that she could.
It took thirty minutes but fuck… she came hard. Even though I didn’t have another orgasm left inside of me, getting her off one more time left me a satisfied man.
My gaze lands on the TV… on some baseball game I could care less about, but I’m too lazy to lift the remote to point it at the TV to change it. I swear… Stella may have broken me.
And yet… I find myself thinking about her all day, getting the periodic hard-on and wishing she were here right now so I could sink into her.
Fuckity-fuck. What the fuck is wrong with me?
Rubbing my hands over my face and then scraping my fingers across my scalp, I try to bring some clarity to my brain. Why am I obsessing and still thinking about a woman I will never see again? I mean, she was a great lay.
A really great lay.
Oh, who the fuck am I kidding? She was the best lay I’ve ever had.
I don’t know why. It’s not like I did anything with her that I haven’t done with countless other women. She’s beautiful, but I’ve fucked beautiful women before. She’s not even that adventurous, preferring vanilla to kink. I think the dirtiest she got with me last night was when I made her put her red lipstick back on before sucking my cock a second time. But she just gamely raised one eyebrow at me before pulling the lipstick tube out of her purse and slathering it on that amazing mouth of hers.
Then she gave me a blow job that made my eyes cross.
I think the thing that probably hit me right in the belly… made my attraction to her skyrocket into the stratosphere, was out on the balcony. She was terrified of heights, but she stayed out there because she knew that was a fantasy of mine. She closed her eyes, faced her fears, and let me fuck her while I looked twenty stories down to the Manhattan streets. She was a fucking champ.
All. Freaking. Night.
All freaking night we went at it, taking breaks to drink water, sometimes dozing while we spooned, and once, ordering room service. While giving my dick a chance to recover, we talked about our mutual interests, but we never got anywhere close to divulging identifying information about ourselves. Still… the conversation was light, easy, and she made me laugh on more than one occasion. I found her wit to be razor sharp, sarcastic, and completely self-deprecating. I ate that shit up.
Somewhere between the time we fucked in the shower, and when I went down on her the last time, I started thinking about asking for her phone number. I thought maybe we could get together again… maybe in a week or so.
Or maybe the next night.
I thought possibly I could even take her to dinner. It’s not an unheard of concept for me. I mean, I took Marissa out to dinner when we were dating, I’m sure I remember how to do it.
But just as soon as that thought entered my head, I banished it. Stomped it down good into the dark recesses of my mind. Then I locked it up and threw away the key.
Matt Fucking Connover does not date.
He does not give.
He takes, and he may reciprocate, but he has no room in his life for a woman.
No matter how great a fuck she is.
So when dawn was just around the corner, we silently got dressed, sometimes looking at each other with a soft smile or a sly grin. I was exhausted, yet exhilarated, and when I watched her hook her bra behind her back, I thought briefly about pushing her back down on the bed. But I shook my head, cleared my thoughts, and mentally started pushing Stella out of my head.
We walked out of the hotel together, and I hailed her a cab. When it pulled to the curb, I gave her a soft kiss and said, “That may have been the best night of my life. I shit you not.”
Yeah, I know… not the most romantic stuff I’ve ever spouted out, but it was truthful. I think it may have been the single best night of my life.
Pushing myself up from my chair, I bend over and grab the empty beer bottles. Padding into the kitchen, I put them in the recycle bin and open the fridge for something to eat. Nothing looks appealing, mostly because a lot of it’s covered with green fuzz, so I just pull another beer out and twist the top off.
Stella the hot banker is done. Over. Finished.
I tell myself to forget about her, although I’ll allow myself to bring forth the memories when I jerk off. That’s allowed.
Turning back to the living room, I head for my recliner, content to spend the rest of the evening there watching TV.
Chapter 5
“So then the judge apologized to me for the misunderstanding, and we had a good laugh about it. The entire courtroom was in stitches,” Lorraine says as she giggles like a thirteen-year-old girl and reaches out again to touch my arm lightly with her hand.
I see her opening her mouth but all I hear is blah, blah, blah. She’s been talking inanely for the last fifteen minutes, throwing in flirty giggles and touches while we wait for her associate attorney, McKayla Dawson, to show up.
I want to pull my hair out.
Glancing at my watch, I pin a hard stare at Lorraine. “Perhaps you should give Miss Dawson a call to see where she is.”
I can’t abide people being late, and Miss Dawson certainly isn’t off to a good start with my firm this Monday morning. Add on to that, I’m still cranky as hell, having not been able to shake the thought of Stella from my mind. I keep thinking about contacting her through ONO and see if we can get together again, and yeah… I know that breaches my one-night rule, but fuck it.
She was too fucking amazing to let her slip by without another taste, right?
Just as Lorraine is reaching for her phone, the conference room doorknob turns and I wait to get my first glance at the very late Miss Dawson. I put on my most ferocious glare, so she knows I’m not happy to have been kept w
The door swings open and I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut, then my dick actually twitches and starts to get hard. Standing there with nervous eyes, looking over at Lorraine, is Stella… The Hot Banker.
What the fuck is she doing here? For a split second, I think that Stella must have stalked me… followed me home after we parted ways Sunday morning, and now, here she is, going all Fatal Attraction on me.
Fury rises up within me, burning like boiling acid, even as my cock gets just a little harder as I look at her standing there. I almost stand to confront this stalker lunatic when I hear her say, “I’m so sorry I’m late. I—the train was running late this morning. Always seems to happen on a Monday.”
My jaw drops open as I realize that this is McKayla Dawson… my newest attorney and apparently not Stella, the Hot Banker.
She’s still hot… beyond hot, wearing a slim, taupe skirt and a champagne-colored, button-down shirt that is fitted to her body, showcasing the lovely curve of her breasts without being unprofessional. Four-inch taupe heels have her standing willowy and tall, and fuck, I want her bad.
Lorraine is pissed. “Then may I suggest you leave earlier on Mondays. McKayla… this is your new boss, Matthew Connover.”
I snap my mouth shut and school my features in an attempt to hide my anger, because even though I’m assured she’s not a stalker, I’m still pissed as hell that she’s here… in my firm… and now apparently my employee. That little thought I had a few moments ago to contact “Stella” through ONO just got shot down quickly.
Stella… I mean, McKayla, turns those green eyes my way and the minute she recognizes me, I see the first jolt of shock go through her. I brace myself, prepared for that moment when she says something damning about our liaison this weekend, but she manages to pull off a cool facade and gives me a fake smile of introduction. She’d make a great litigator with that poker face she’s wearing right now.
I stand up from my table and take a step toward her, holding my hand out. She takes it and I’m not prepared for the sizzle of lustful electricity, which courses through me when her skin touches mine. Releasing her hand, I say, “Miss Dawson, it’s lovely to meet you. Lorraine has told me a lot about you.”
“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Connover,” she says, her voice slightly quavering, so I know she’s just as shocked to see me as I am her.
“Call me Matt,” I say, and I know my voice is coming off cold as hell, but I can’t help it. I’m still pissed she is standing here as my employee, which means she will never be lying underneath me again.
“You can call me McKayla… or Mac,” she says, and I give her a short nod of acknowledgement.
Taking my seat, I hold my hand out to the one next to Lorraine, and Stella… fuck, I mean, Mac, takes a seat and rests her forearms on the table, sitting ramrod straight in her chair. She’s having as hard a time as I am relaxing right now, and at least my cold demeanor can be explained away as anger over her being late.
“Mac, this is my partner, William Crown,” I say, pointing to the man sitting to my right.
“It’s Bill, actually. Nice to meet you,” he says genially.
Bill is a great guy. We’ve been partners for almost ten years, and he’s about fifteen years older than I am. He’s an excellent business law attorney who became partners with me because he had money to invest and didn’t want the headache of running a firm. We’ve developed an easy friendship as well as a business relationship, and I have to say, he’s about the closest thing I have to a real friend nowadays. Not that we are super tight or anything, but we’ve managed to make it ten years as partners without any major blowups or fights.
When Mac’s gaze returns to me after a nod of hello to Bill, I tell her, “I wanted to have this meeting with you and Lorraine to welcome you to Connover and Crown this morning. We’re excited to have you both here.”
Mac’s left eyebrow quirks up in skepticism because even though I just bid her welcome to my firm, my voice is about as flat as a pancake. She’s well aware that I am not happy to have her here.
Lorraine’s hand sneaks out again and touches my arm, and I have to restrain myself not to slap it. “Matt, I know I speak for both McKayla and myself when I tell you we are just overjoyed to be part of your team. You can count on us to get the job done.”
I pull my arm away from Lorraine’s touch, and my gaze is hard. “Thank you for that sentiment, Lorraine. I’m sure you’ll do just fine here.”
“More than just fine,” she titters, apparently not getting the fact she’s irritating the fuck out of me.
I pick up the two folders laying on the desk before me prepared by our human resources department and hand them across the table. “Here are the necessary forms you’ll need to fill out for human resources. Lorraine, you’ll be direct reporting to Bill, and McKayla... you’ll be reporting to me.”
Lorraine puts her hand to her mouth and gives a tiny cough to get my attention. “I thought McKayla would still report to me. I’m very familiar with her work and have the necessary skills to manage her.”
I don’t even spare her a glance as I stand up from my chair. “That’s not how we do things here. Your expertise is in corporate work, which falls squarely under Bill’s department. McKayla does litigation, which is under my authority. But there will be a few cases that you will work on together and, in those instances, you will be her direct supervisor. Now, after you ladies fill those papers out, I’ll have our head of resources, Krystal Anders, come in, get you set up, and introduce you around.”
I don’t dare take another peek at Mac because the more I look at her, the more I want her. The more I want her and can’t have her, the angrier I’m getting. I need some space from her so I can calm down. I give a nod to Lorraine and head for the door.
“Excuse me, Matt,” I hear Mac’s honeyed voice call out to me, and my skin tingles from the sound. It makes me remember the sound of her cries when she orgasmed. “I have a few questions I need answered.”
I turn around and glare at her. “I’m sure Miss Anders can answer whatever questions you have.”
Before I can even turn away, she says confidently, “Actually, I doubt she can. This question is specifically for you.”
Okay, this woman is no pushover. She’s certainly not intimidated by me, and I’m wondering how much that has to do with the fact she made my knees buckle when I came down her throat this weekend. Maybe she thinks she has power over me.
Lorraine jumps into the mix before I can even say anything. “I apologize, Matt. Our little McKayla here doesn’t understand the etiquette of how a high-powered firm works. I’m sure Miss Anders can help her out.”
Mac’s chin sticks out in determination as she turns back to Lorraine. Her voice is saccharin, but her tone is hard. “And I’m sure Mr. Connover needs to answer this question.”
Damn, she’s fucking fascinating. I watch as Lorraine starts to stammer, her face flushing red at Mac’s temerity to question her. She opens her mouth and I have a sneaking suspicion she’s getting ready to ream her ass, so I quickly say, “By all means… how can I help you?”
Mac turns to me. “Well, I’m assuming when you ‘acquired’ Lorraine’s firm, you took on all of her assets as well as her debts?”
I nod at her.
“I’d like to know if you intend to honor the firm’s debt to me of a few missed paychecks I went without when we had some leaner times?”
Well, that’s certainly interesting, and my eyebrows involuntarily shoot up in surprise. I take a quick look at Lorraine, and her face goes even redder.
“I’m so sorry,” Lorraine says to me, not Mac. “I completely forgot about that.”
Why she’s apologizing to me when it was Mac’s paycheck she missed is beyond me, but I’m guessing it has something to do with her self-absorbed nature.
Holding my hand up to Lorraine, who thankfully shuts up, I turn back to Mac. “While your question was important, Miss Anders could have
indeed handled that. Regardless, I’ll ensure your past paychecks are caught up before the end of the day. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend. I’m sure Miss Anders can handle your other questions.”
Lorraine tries to apologize one more time, but I turn my back on her and head to the door. Just as I reach it, I look over my shoulder at Mac. “McKayla… let’s plan on meeting at 4:30 PM to go over your new duties in the litigation department.”
I don’t even wait for her to say anything, because what could she say other than “yes”?
Back in my office, I stew all day about her being here. About her being my fucking employee. I had done a damn good job of spending Sunday afternoon and evening purging her from my thoughts. I’d even gone as far as to try and find fault with our fucking, telling myself it wasn’t as great as I built it up in my mind. I had just been in a dry spell so any sex would have been the best ever.
Every bit of those idiotic thoughts flew out the window when she walked in, looking glamorous and tough all at the same time, her satchel briefcase casually draped over her shoulder. When the lust slammed through me, I knew that I lied to myself the night before and that she had indeed been the best night of my life.
And fuck, that pissed me off even more, because I don’t like that shit in my business. While I briefly contemplated what it would be like to see her again, I never imagined it in this setting.
Absolutely impossible. I cannot fuck an employee so I’m going to forget this weekend and move forward.
By the time Mac knocks on my door for our afternoon meeting, I have myself absolutely, one-hundred percent convinced that I can put this past weekend with Mac out of my mind and be able to work with her. I just need to make sure she understands the boundaries.
I call for her to come in, even though I’m finishing up a phone call on a case I’m trying to settle. I point at one of the chairs opposite of my desk for her to sit in. She does so and I hastily have to avert my eyes while she crosses those long legs, pulling down on the hem of her skirt past her knees. I don’t want to get caught blatantly checking her out.