Uncivilized Page 6
"Do you understand now how kissing can play a role in sex?" I ask in my best teaching voice.
"I saw it, but I don't really understand it. But as you said... I'll have to experience some things for myself to truly learn, right?"
"I suppose," I hedge a little.
"Then I look forward to learning about that type of kissing... with someone that can truly teach me," he says with absolutely sincerity and turns away from me again.
Chapter 5
In the week since I've been at Moira's house, she's not left me alone once.
Until now.
And I'm taking advantage it.
The first thing I did was strip naked, relishing in the feel of the cool air against my skin. I haven't been walking around naked as much as I originally thought I would, and not because of some concern about offending Moira. That does not concern me whatsoever.
No, I've simply been wearing clothes more often than not because I'm getting used to them. Moira has indeed dragged me around to various places every day, immersing me in her culture. That, of course, requires clothing and the more that I wear them, the more they don't seem quite the burden.
She's taken me to so many places that my head spins with the sensory overload at times. She took me to downtown Chicago, and I hate the place. Filled with steel, concrete, and too many people to comprehend. It's noisy... not like the beautiful noise of the creature-filled jungle, but of honking cars and talking people. It scrapes at my ears until they feel like they bleed at times.
Other places weren't so bad. We went out to see a movie in the theater, and she took me over to Northwestern where she works and explained what people learn at a university. We went out to eat at restaurants, and I actually gave in and used the utensils, only because after observing her eat with them, I had to admit it was easier and cleaner on the hands. She took me to the local library in Evanston and showed me how to look up and check out books. It's within walking distance to her house, and she's even encouraged me to venture there on my own any time I want to. I will... one day, but during our first visit, I left with ten books and haven't read through them all yet.
And yes... one of the books she suggested was entitled How To Teach Your Child About Sex. I flipped through it but gave up after the first three pages. Ridiculous really, if she thinks she can get away with pawning that type of book off on me as a means of fulfilling her obligation to teach me.
What she has been willing to teach me, though, has been enlightening to the extent that she won't refuse to answer a legitimate question from me. Every day, I try to come up with something new to ask her, just so I can see the way her breathing gets disrupted and her face goes red.
"Moria... what do you call it when my seed erupts from the end of my penis?"
Although she blushed and practically choked on the bowl of cereal she was eating, she cleared her throat and said, "That's called an orgasm."
"And that's the technical term?"
"Yes, although some people say it's called 'coming' or 'climaxing'."
"Climaxing I understand. But coming?"
"Yes, coming," she said with another deep blush.
"Do women orgasm? Is that what you did that night in the jungle when you touched yourself?"
"Yes, Zach. Women can orgasm too."
"But you don't have a penis. What were you touching to make yourself orgasm?"
"Women have what's called a clitoris... or some call it a clit. I imagine it feels the same way as it feels when you touch your penis."
"Where is this clit located?"
"Okay, Zach... that's enough sex talk for the day," Moira grumbled and stood from her chair.
I smiled inside because I knew I was getting to her.
Moira doesn't have to be teaching me about sex for me to be thinking about it. It's all I seem to think about when I'm around her. While in my world, sex is when a man dominates a woman, and it's a matter of just mounting her from behind with a quick thrust. I find myself insanely curious if there are other ways of coupling.
I think, more than I care to admit, about kissing Moira. That movie she showed me... when those two people were kissing, has me wondering what it would be like to feel her tongue against mine.
And speaking of tongues, I have to think that if my tongue can go in her mouth, it can go other places as well. Her breasts, which I haven't seen but would like to, for instance. Or that secret thing she called a "clit"? Clearly, fingers against it work just fine, but I wonder if a man can put his tongue there. I wonder what she would taste like and then I wonder... what her tongue would feel like against my penis.
Are these things even possible? I'll have to add it to my list of questions for her.
Moira has a doctor's appointment today, and then she said she was meeting a friend for lunch. I told her that I would like to go out to lunch with her because I was finding pleasure in trying new and interesting foods at these places she called restaurants.
"Not today, Zach," she said. "I'm actually going on a date."
"A date?" I asked in confusion. "What does that mean?"
She actually blushed, and that was my first indication that this had something to do with sex, because Moira always blushed when we talked about sex and never at any other time.
"It's when two people who like each other go out somewhere for the pleasure of enjoying each other's company."
"To have sex you mean?" I asked, not liking the thought of her having sex with another man.
"Not always," she said curtly. "Sometimes, it's just to talk."
"Are you going to have sex on this 'date' today?" My anger started boiling, and I had no clue why. Most days, I still barely tolerated Moira because I was sexually frustrated around her, and I was still very angry over her role in pulling me from my home.
"Not that it's any of your business, but no... I'm not having sex. We're just going out to eat a meal together."
"But sometimes your dates lead to sex?"
Moira sighed but answered me. "Sometimes. It depends on how deep the connection is."
I started to ask her another question but she cut me off, insisting that she didn't want to be late for her doctor's appointment. She had asked if I would be okay here alone, and I assured her I was fine. She turned on her laptop for me and brought up the program that she had taught me called Firefox. A few days ago, Moira took the time to show me how to search for information on the Internet. She introduced me to Wikipedia, and told me that while you couldn't always trust the summary of information it provided, it was a good place to start when seeking out something to learn about.
While I can't type on the keyboard the way Moira does, whose fingers seem to fly with the speed of a jaguar that's chasing its prey, I manage to work it just fine. I've learned about many things since being given access to this amazing marvel called the Internet. I've learned about President Obama, the war in Iraq, Michael Jackson meeting an untimely death, Miley Cyrus twerking, and the collapse of the World Trade Center. I've researched American history, paying specific attention to the plights of indigenous Indians in this country, and I even researched information on the Amazon rainforest. I was greatly saddened to see how much had been deforested... sickened actually. I knew the world was encroaching in upon us, but never realized it was being done so rapidly and with such terrible effects. Yes, the Internet was a never-ending supply of knowledge all waiting at my fingertips.
I expect I have about three hours before Moira returns, so the first thing I do is look through her bedroom. It's the one place I haven't been in other than a brief look when she was showing me her house on the day of my arrival. I pick up various bottles of lotions and liquids on her dresser, sniffing them each in turn. Opening her drawers, I rifle through her clothing, paying particular attention to her underwear, which is made of tiny scraps of lace and silk that feel nice to the touch. I open her nightstand drawers and find an odd thing in there that is shaped like a man's penis with another little protrusion that
sticks out from the front. There's a button on it and when I flip it on, the things starts buzzing hard in my hands.
I don't find anything else of interest, but I take the pink, penis-looking thing with me into the kitchen and lay it on the table. I want to ask Moira about it later.
Finally, I sit my naked form down on one of the kitchen chairs and pull her laptop to the edge, so I can begin learning about the modern world again today.
My fingers poised, I hesitate for just a second before I type the word "sex" in Wikipedia. A long, boring article that talks about plants, fungi, and other animals having sex appears. I scan it briefly, and then try the most recent word I learned, "orgasm" into the search field.
Much better.
I learn more about the woman's clitoris, and there's even a diagram for me that shows me exactly where it's located. I learn about the G-spot and that there's a difference between penetrative and non-penetrative sex. I learn that what I do to myself to cause an orgasm is called masturbation... a word that I find rolls off my tongue nicely, although I find out it's also called jerking off, jacking off, flogging the log, polishing the bannister, and spanking the monkey, the last of which makes me laugh at the image.
Within that same article, there's even a blue link, which Moira had taught me will pull up another article, and it's entitled "sex toys". It pulls up pictures of some items that looked very similar to what I pulled out of Moira's nightstand a bit ago.
But then the article runs dry, so I decide to branch out. In addition to teaching me about Wikipedia, Moira also showed me the power of Google. Pulling that up, I type in the word "sex" again to see what information it holds, and I'm rewarded with more information than I can process.
I'm introduced to the Kama Sutra, and I immediately realize that there are dozens of ways a man and a woman can come together. While the idea of pinning Moira down by the back of her neck still reigns supreme in my fantasies, I can now envision doing other things to her. I study the photos for a while and bookmark the page, so I can ask Moira about it when she comes home. I can't wait to see how red she'll get when she tries to explain it further to me.
I find an interesting link to an article about sex slang, and I learn there are a variety of terms that describes a man's penis. Pecker, dick, cock, peter, wang, one-eyed monster, joystick, sword, and shaft.
Cock is my favorite though.
Then I'm introduced to a word that forever changes how I learn about sex on the computer.
Wikipedia says it's the portrayal of sexual material for the purposes of arousal, and the variety of video links underneath my fingertips is astounding. I don't hesitate before I click the first one, and my eyes go wide at what is playing out before me.
A woman, on her back, with a man holding her legs up and spread wide in his hands. His cock is drilling into her, and her large breasts are bouncing all around while she screams at the top of her lungs with pleasure. I recognize this position from the Kama Sutra.
I click on video after video and, before long, my hand is wrapped around my own cock, stroking hard to the beat of the sex I'm watching on the laptop. One video in particular shocks me beyond all reason, when I see one woman taking three men at the same time.
I tilt my head to the side, my own stroking momentarily stopped because I'm still not quite sure I believe what I'm seeing. The woman sits astride a man, with his cock in her pussy--pussy being another term I learned. She's leaning forward, so she can take another man's cock in her mouth as he stands at the end of the bed. But the thing that shocks me the most is that another man stands behind her and has his cock up her--is that her anus?
All three men pump their hips furiously into her different holes, and she moans with utter abandon. The sight before me is beyond thrilling and my cock... peter... shaft, whatever, gets harder than I think it has ever been before in my life.
My hand starts moving again as wetness leaks from the tip, and my pulse skyrockets. I match pace with the furious tunneling the men are doing on the woman's body, and I race toward my orgasm... climax... I'm getting ready to come.
I erupt hotly, my semen jetting across the table and thankfully missing Moira's laptop. I shout out a curse... another new word I learned today, "Fuck!" as I continue to pump my dick... sword... one-eyed monster.
After a few minutes, my breathing evens out, and I get up on shaky legs from the table. I grab some paper towels and clean the mess off the kitchen table, staring at the laptop for a few moments.
That was beyond insane. It was and still is almost beyond my comprehension. Everything that I thought I knew about sex seems so inadequate now, and I have more questions for Moira than ever before.
More importantly, due to the things I learned today, I now have an idea on how to get Moira on bended knee before me, because that is how I truly want her. How I must have her.
At least for the first time.
It's almost two o'clock in the afternoon when I hear Moira's car pull into the driveway. She told me before she left that we would go out to dinner tonight, then we were going to meet some friends of hers at a nightclub, as she wanted to put me in a social setting to show me how friends interact with each other. I think this was due to her constant peppering me about my tribe mates back in the Caraica village, and how we spent our social time together. I basically told her I spent time every day hunting and fishing, and then telling stories around the fire at night. It was pretty simple, yet there was a strong bond there with my people.
I think she wants to show to me the way "friends" bond here in America, so I can appreciate the potential to have friends of my own in this new world. It's a wasted lesson on me because having friends implies I'm staying.
And I'm not.
When Moira opens the front door, she steps in and sees me sitting on the couch. I had put my clothes back on after my "experience" at her kitchen table earlier and prepared myself to confront her with the things I learned today.
She smiles at me in greeting, and then her eyes stray down to the pink vibrator--another term I learned today--that I'm holding in my hand. I flick the button, and it buzzes loudly.
"What are you doing with that?" she asks angrily as her face flushes red.
I flick the button back off and shrug my shoulders. "I found it in your drawer today."
She drops her purse to the floor and walks over to me, snatching the vibrator out of my hand. "You had no right to go through my belongings."
I shrug my shoulders again in disinterest over her anger. "You never said your room was off-limits. You said to treat this house as if it were my own."
Moira sputters for a moment, and then snaps, "Well, don't do it again. My room is now off-limits."
"Fine," I assure her, because I saw everything in there I wanted to see anyway.
Moira stomps off to her room. I can hear her throwing the vibrator back in the drawer and slamming it shut. When she comes back out, her face is no longer red and she seems a bit more composed. She walks into the kitchen and opens the refrigerator, pulling out a pitcher of iced tea that she always keeps full. I get up from the couch and follow her in there.
After she pours herself a glass, she turns to me. "So what did you do today?"
"You mean after I found your sex toy?"
"Yes," she growls. "After you found my sex toy."
"Well, let's see... I masturbated in your kitchen and climaxed all over your table."
"You what?" she asks with her mouth hanging open.
I nod my head. "That happened after I found out what pornography was on the Internet and watched a woman take it up her pussy and her ass while she sucked another guy's cock down her throat."
I'm impressed with myself how easy this new terminology just pours out of my mouth, and I'm delighted to see Moira flush redder than I've ever seen her before.
She moves over to one of the kitchen chairs and slumps down into it. "Oh, my God," she mutt
ers. "You did not watch porn on the Internet, did you?"
"It was very enlightening, and far more interesting than the stuff you've been teaching me so far. I've practically got an entire new vocabulary just from a few hours of searching."
Moira's head drops into the palm of her hand. She shakes her head back and forth. "Randall is going to kill me."
"Tell me, Moira... does it feel good for a woman to have anal sex? It looks like it feels fucking amazing from a man's perspective, and oh, by the way... that's another new word I learned today. Fuck. I like it. So many uses for just one, little word."
I think I may have broken her with the shock value of the things I'm saying because she just shakes her head slowly and mutters, "I don't know. I've never done it."
Moira stands from the table, and her legs look a bit shaky. Her eyes rise up, and I smirk inside as she tries to steel her gaze against mine. She firms her voice up and says, "Zach... these questions about sex have to end. I can't discuss these things with you again. This is stopping right now."
In one long stride, I'm standing before Moira. My hand snakes out and wraps around her throat, and I gently squeeze to get her attention. I graze my thumb across her jaw and take immense satisfaction in the way her eyes glaze over a bit.
"On the contrary, Moira... it's just getting started."
Chapter 6
I think I might pass out, and it doesn't have to do with Zach's grip around my throat. He's holding me so gently that I can only feel the roughness of his palm against my skin, and nothing more.
No, it's his words, the carnal hunger in his eyes, and the way in which he commands me that this is not stopping, but rather just starting.
He's not told me to... he's not pushed me one way or the other, but I long to just drop to my knees before him and surrender to what he wants of me.
On my date with Michael today, all I could think about was Zach sitting back at my house. Probably naked. Probably masturbating. I know the man has an immense sexual appetite, as he had bragged to me a few days ago about how much he missed Tukaba--the woman he fucked in front of me--and his ability to take her every day, sometimes more than once, whenever he felt the need. While he tended to wear clothing more routinely around the house, sometimes he would still walk around naked, and my eyes couldn't help noticing the erection he would sport from time to time, particularly in the mornings.