Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel Page 13
“Excuse me,” I say to Melody as I stand up. Pulling my phone out, I step away from the table and flip through my contacts. Finding the one I need, I hit it and wait for an answer.
“This is Abe Gettner,” he answers on the third ring.
“It’s Matt Connover. I finally got some authority from my client on the Sellani case. If your client can pay a million, half in a structured settlement, the other half in cash, they’ll settle. But they want an answer within fifteen minutes. Otherwise, deal is off.”
“Shit,” Abe gripes. “Fifteen minutes? And why aren’t you calling Cal? This is his case.”
“I don’t have his number,” I tell him as I stare at Cal and Mac dancing twenty feet from me.
“I’ll give it to you,” Abe tells me, but I cut him off.
“No, I don’t have time. I’m out on a date right now. Just pass the message along and give him my number. If I hear back from him in the timeframe, we have a deal.”
“Matt… that’s practically impossible,” Abe grumbles. “You know our clients are in London and it’s… three in the morning there.”
“Then I suggest you get Cal hopping on this. It’s a good deal for you and you know it, and your clients may be in London but that’s still only a phone call away. Trust me, with this deal I’m offering you, they won’t mind being woken up.”
I don’t wait for an answer but disconnect the call. Abe Gettner is the co-counsel on the Sellani case with Cal, but Cal’s lead chair. All settlement offers have to go through him and that should keep him busy for a while.
And I only need five minutes with Mac.
“Do you mind getting lost for a little bit?” I ask Melody with a charming smile as I take my seat again to resume watching Mac.
She returns it and pats me on the cheek. “If my little “fuck ‘em and leave ‘em” Matt is falling for a woman, hell yeah, I’ll get lost. This is monumental.”
“Stuff it, Melody,” I say with affection as I watch her stand and walk gracefully away from the table.
The song ends and I watch Cal lead Mac back to the table, his hand resting on her lower back. Mac flicks her gaze at me once, but then otherwise looks around the room… looking everywhere but at me.
Right on schedule, just as soon as he pulls Mac’s chair out for her, Cal’s phone rings. He pulls it out, frowns, and then says, “I’m sorry… this is an urgent call. Excuse me.”
Cal hasn’t even walked five paces away when I’m standing and grabbing Mac’s elbow. “Let’s dance.”
She doesn’t struggle or deny me, but I didn’t expect her to. Regardless of the way things crumbled between us, there is still an insane attraction. Plus, I’m her boss. Not like she can say no, right?
When I reach the dance floor, I turn and pull her into my arms. One arm goes around her waist, and the other takes her hand in mine, where I rest them against my chest. She drapes her other hand over my shoulder and because there is still a little bit of a gap between us, I pull her in until her body touches mine. The move causes her eyes to darken to the color of emeralds.
“Where’s Melody?” she asks, her voice a little raspy.
“Off powdering her nose or whatever it is that you women do when you have to go to the restroom.”
“I believe it’s called peeing. I’m sure she’s just peeing,” she says with a grin, and just like that… there’s the Mac that has me captivated.
“Ah… Mac,” I say longingly. “I’ve missed your crazy humor.”
I’m not sure what is so special about what I just said, but Mac pushes in closer to me… close enough I can lean my head slightly and put my cheek to her temple. It’s intimate, and it suffuses me with peace. We dance quietly for a few moments, but then I feel compelled to tell her, “You look amazingly and fantastically gorgeous tonight. Every woman in this room pales next to you.”
“Even Melody?” she murmurs and although I can’t see her face, I can feel the teasing smile she’s wearing.
“Even Melody,” I tell her adamantly, but then add on, “By the way, she’s just a friend. We went to law school together.”
Her head pulls back so she can look at me, and her tone is a little chastising. “So, you’re saying I look better than just… ‘nice’?”
I laugh at her silliness. “That’s all I could say to you in mixed company. I don’t think anyone would understand an employer calling his employee ‘amazingly and fantastically gorgeous’. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“Totally agree,” she whispers with a smile, and then pushes back in closer to me again. My heart flips over and when her body touches mine, you know what starts twitching in you know where.
Leaning my head down, I put my lips near her ear. “Mac?”
“Hmmm?” she asks, sort of dreamily.
My voice is urgent and raw once I commit to the words. “Leave with me right now. I need you, and it’s killing me not to be with you.”
She jerks in my arms and pulls back to look at me. Heat ripples across those gorgeous irises and her mouth is slightly parted in astonishment. For a brief moment, I think she’s going to say yes, but then she sort of shakes her head. “I can’t… I’m here with Cal.”
I take a quick peek over at our table, and Cal isn’t back yet. Melody isn’t coming back because she’ll stay gone until I tell her otherwise.
Turning back to Mac, I urge her. “Make up an excuse.”
She blinks at me in confusion. “Like what?”
Releasing her hand and touching my fingers to her jaw, I suggest. “How about fake a bout of diarrhea? I heard that worked well with Lorraine.”
Mac’s eyes practically bug out of her head in surprise. “What? How did you know?”
I cock an eyebrow at her and chuckle. “Everyone in the office knew about it, and people think you are incredibly clever.”
Flashing me her pearly whites, she starts laughing. “It did work nicely.”
Mac in a sexy dress is tormenting me. Mac in a sexy dress and laughing in delight… it’s killing me. I release my hold on her, turn her toward the edge of the dance floor, and push her along. Leaning down, I murmur, “Now go. Make an excuse. I’ll ditch Melody and meet you at your apartment.”
She spins on me, her eyes flicking in between my own, trying to determine if this is for real. I want to take her hand and press it up against the erection that is forming so she knows… yes… I’m not fucking around right now.
My chest almost explodes in joy when she nods at me with a smile. “I’ll meet you at my apartment.”
She turns to head off, to look for Cal, I assume. Reaching out quickly, I grab her hand so she looks back at me. “Don’t plan on getting any sleep tonight, Mac. We have a lot to make up for.”
Even in the low light, the only ambience from candles and dim chandelier lighting, I can see the shudder that quakes Mac’s body. I also feel it… because the thought that my words cause her to tremble makes me tremble in response.
I’m going to have her again… tonight, and I don’t know that I’ve ever looked forward to anything more in my life. It’s like that feeling you get as a kid, on Christmas morning. Except, there’s an erection involved for me.
I make a hasty goodbye to Melody. She wishes me luck, and then kisses my cheek. I haven’t seen Mac since we parted ways, but I did get a glimpse of Cal, still on his phone over at the bar, nursing what looks like a Martini. I snicker to myself because it will take him way longer than fifteen minutes to get authority to settle. Bet he didn’t see his evening ending this way.
The cab ride to Mac’s apartment seems to take forever, but a glance at my watch shows only twenty minutes. The elevator ride seems to take just as long.
Then I’m knocking, and she’s opening the door, and her eyes are already filled with lust as she looks at me. I don’t know why she’s letting me back in. I’ve not done anything to really deserve her giving me a second chance. But I’m sure as hell not going to question her actions right now.
I step over the th
reshold toward her.
She takes a step back, her chest rising and falling a little faster.
I take another step toward her, and she steps back again. Reaching out, I shut the door behind me, and then shrug out of my jacket. As I drop it to the floor, I take another step in her direction and she backs up again.
She wants a cat and mouse game? I’ll give it to her, because I do not mind hunting her down.
I back her up, clear across her living room, taking off my tie and dropping it casually to the floor. As I start loosening my first cuff link, she abruptly stops. Her eyes stare at me intently, her breath now coming in short pants.
She’s panting, just because of the thought of me fucking her, and that makes my erection go full salute. Just knowing she wants me that much.
I take one more step and then I’m standing just a fraction of an inch from her body, staring down at her face as it tilts up at me. We’re not touching anywhere, yet I feel her all over me. I can practically taste her, and we haven’t even kissed.
“First time’s going to be quick,” I warn her, because there is absolutely no way I can wait a moment longer to get inside of her. It’s been ten long days without sex… yes, but it’s been ten long days without Mac, and that’s inflaming my lust just as much.
“Works for me,” she murmurs, licking her lower lip, and I can’t help the low groan that comes out.
Reaching down with both hands, I fist the material of her dress and drag it upward. No time to figure out how to get her out of it. I drag my hands all the way up past her waist, bunching the material there.
Looking down, I can see just a hint of black lace at her hipbone and I curl my fingers up under the edge, hooking onto it tight. With a sharp pull, Mac jerks, and the material shreds like tissue. I let it flutter to the floor and stick my hand right in between her legs.
She’s so fucking warm… so fucking wet. I drag my fingers over her, back and forth, the movement covering the shaking of my own hand. When she moans, I can’t control it any more.
Bending over, I lift her up, placing my hands under her naked ass as she wraps those long legs around me. I take three steps and pin her against her living room wall with my torso. Our faces are just inches apart, but we haven’t kissed. Her breathing is rough but so is mine, and I know it’s about to get rougher.
Keeping one hand under her ass for balance, I reach down with my other and do a one-handed miracle on my button and zipper, opening them up efficiently and pulling my cock out.
It’s vibrating with need, weeping in anticipation.
I tilt my hips, line up, and then I’m shoving my way inside of Mac’s body. She’s wet and willing, but she’s tight as fuck, and it takes a couple of twists of my hips before I sink all the way in and feel her conform around me. She lets out a sigh of blatant pleasure, and she has a satisfied smile on her face.
The feeling of being inside of her body is overwhelming. It’s better than ever before, and I’m inundated with the need to drive myself into a frenzy.
“God… you feel so good,” I tell her, my teeth clenched in an effort to maintain control. I bury my face in her neck and inhale her scent… honeysuckle and warm, wet female.
I dig my fingertips into her ass cheeks as I hold still inside of her. I’m afraid my first movement will unleash something inside of me that I won’t be able to control. Testing the waters, I make a small circle with my pelvis against her, and a ripple of ecstasy travels up my spine just from that small move.
Letting my breath rush out across her neck, I tell her sadly, “I’m not going to last long. This feels too good.” Then I move my hips just a little again, and that same rip of pleasure hits me hard.
“I’m not worried,” she whispers in my ear, just before she licks it. “I know you’re good for it. Now… just let go.”
I pull my head up to look at her, amazed and grateful she’s giving me free license to fuck her like an animal, and trusting I’ll take care of her after. While we stare at each other, I pull my cock out almost to the tip, carefully supporting her with my hands. Hovering on the edge, she watches… waits for me.
I slam back into her hard, crushing her against the wall. Her eyes close in rapture, and she lets out a pleasure-filled gasp. When she opens them back up, she says, “That’s what I’m talking about.”
I can’t help the snicker that comes out of my mouth, because that is classic fucking Mac and I love it. We grin at each other just a moment, and then I’m claiming her mouth with my own. While my tongue fucks her mouth, my hips start pumping hard, thrusting my cock in and out of her sweet pussy. Her arms wrap tightly around my neck and her legs squeeze at my waist.
Just as I feel the beginnings of my orgasm firing up, I realize that even though Mac has told me to let go… to fuck her hard and take my pleasure, knowing I’ll care for her after, I just can’t do it. I can’t fall off the edge before her.
So I slow it down, still making my strokes just as long and just as deep, just not as hard, not as fast. I slow my kisses down, leisurely swiping inside of her soft mouth and sucking down every moan and groan she gives me. After a particularly deep thrust that grinds our pelvic bones together, Mac starts trembling and she tears her mouth away from mine. Layering quick kisses across my jaw, to my ear, and then putting her face into my neck, she lets out a low moan and starts coming.
“That’s what I’ve been waiting for,” I praise her, as if she was coming solely to please me.
But please me it does.
Her body stiffens and then shudders so hard that it has me desperate to catch up to her. I pick up the pace until I am all-out fucking her hard again against the wall, the pictures beside our head rattling, and Mac is hanging on tight. I give myself permission and let go, falling fast into pleasurable oblivion. I slam into her one more time and pin her tight to the wall. Mac leans back, loosening her arms up, and just watches me with lustful interest.
As I unload into her, my head falls forward and rests on her collarbone. I can’t help myself.
I whisper a prayer of thanks as I come hard. “Mac… Mac… Mac…”
Chapter 15
Glancing over at Mac’s alarm clock, I see it’s getting close to noon on Sunday, and I really should get going. We fucked our brains out all weekend. All night Friday, all day and night Saturday, and once already this morning, followed by a little nap, and then Mac woke me up by sucking on my cock until I unloaded hot in her mouth.
I’m lying flat on my back, completely naked. Her comforter and sheet had long ago been kicked to the floor. Raising my head up slightly from the pillow, Mac is still in the same position she collapsed in about fifteen minutes ago, with her head resting on my lower abdomen, her face pointed toward my dick, which is happily recuperating from her ministrations.
Let me tell you, there is nothing hotter than being awoken from a deep sleep by having a woman suck you down the back of her throat. You’re all sleepy when you first realize what’s going on, maybe just a little confused. The pleasure is blinding because you had nothing else battling for its attention other than the peacefulness of sleep. And then, when you finally become cognizant of what’s going on… that your lover took you in her mouth and got you hard, then was going to make you come regardless of whether you woke up or not… well, just nothing hotter, in my opinion.
When I opened my eyes in the hazy morning light and saw her bent over me, head bobbing up and down and pleasure ripping through my entire body, I’m surprised I didn’t blow right there. But I held on, grabbing at her hips and pulling them closer to me. She never missed a fucking stroke and only hesitated once when my hand went between her legs, then she was groaning the pleasure I was giving her against my dick.
It was a divine experience.
She came, and then I came so hard that I actually shouted her name.
Running my hand up her back, I can just reach her head. I tug on her hair gently to get her attention. “Are you alive?”
“Barely,” she groans. “B
ut damn, that was fun.”
Chuckling, I continue to rub her hair between my fingers. This weekend has been monumental for me. I broke so many of my own rules that I’m not even sure I know who I am anymore.
What I do know, is that where Mac is concerned, I can’t seem to stay within my boundaries. I seem to be recklessly speeding forward toward something… I’m not sure what, but it involves something more than just a whole lot of good fucking.
And there was a lot of good fucking this weekend. Tons and tons, with sleep, food, and funny conversation in between. The only kick in an otherwise perfect weekend was yesterday morning, when it got a little awkward.
I woke up before Mac and was content to just lay on my side, elbow to mattress and my hand supporting my head. It allowed me to look down on her and watch as she slept, taking in tiny details that I hadn’t noticed before. She has a tiny scar at the corner of her left eyebrow that I hadn’t noticed before. When she sleeps, she breathes through her mouth, her lips just slightly parted to allow the air in and out. Her eyelashes are thick and long, something I already knew, but still fascinating to me. In fact, I reached out and ran a fingertip over them as they lay against the skin below her eye.
Mac eventually woke up, and I sucked on her nipples for a while. Good stuff. Then I rolled over on top of her, right between her legs and, with a series of tiny pushes, worked my way in.
Fucking bliss.
I fucked her slow… just because it was different from our usual frenzied mating. I kissed her slow, on her mouth, her jaw, her neck. It felt so very right.
“Do you have feelings for me?” Mac asked, out of nowhere I might add, and I immediately went still all over.
While I have opened myself up to a lot with Mac, I was seriously not ready to have this discussion. For God’s sake, I was just now able to feel comfortable staying in her bed all night.
Pulling my lips back from her mouth, I looked down at her and, trying to keep my voice as bland as possible, asked, “You really want to have this conversation now?”